- Never use data you train on to measure the quality of your model (resubstitution).
- As the model becomes more computational, the variance (dispersion) of the estimate increases, but bias decreases.
- Overfitting arises due to the fact that the training set is memorized completely instead of generalizing.
- This effect is only visible when the same estimator is run on similar data other than training.
- Hold out part of the available data as a test set.
- There is still a risk of overfitting because the parameters can be tweaked until the estimator performs optimally.
- Only the final evaluation should be done on the test set.
- Set up validation to mimic train/test split.
- In a competition, you need to identify the train/test split made by organizers.
- In most cases, data is split by rows, time, groups or combined.
- Logic of feature engineering depends on the data splitting strategy.
Validation stage
- We can observe that:
- High deviation of the local CV scores.
- Possible causes:
- Too little data.
- Data is too diverse and inconsistent (e.g., December and January for store sales).
- Extensive validation techniques:
- Perform k-fold split multiple times with different seeds, and average the scores.
- Tune a model on one split, evaluate the model on the other.
- Following problems can be identified before the submission stage:
- Different scores/optimal parameters between folds.
- Public leaderboard score will be unreliable because of too little data.
- Train and test data are from different distributions (using EDA).
Submission stage
- We can observe that:
- LB score is consistently lower/higher than the local score:
- LB score is not correlated with the local score.
- Possible causes:
- We may already have a high variance of CV scores: calculate mean and std of CV scores and estimate if LB is expected.
- Too little data in public leaderboard: trust your local validation.
- Train and test are from different distributions: adjust distributions or perform leaderboard probing.
- Overfitting
- Incorrect cross-validation strategy
- Expect LB shuffle because of:
- Randomness can shuffle scores on the private leaderboard.
- Little amount of training or/and testing data.
- Different public/private data or target distributions (e.g., time-based split).
- How to Select Your Final Models in a Kaggle Competition
Base models
- The following validation schemes are supposed to be used to estimate quality of the model.
- For getting test predictions don't forget to retrain your model using all training data.
- Procedure (
- Split train into two parts: trainA and trainB (usually 80/20).
- Fit the model on trainA and validate it on trainB.
- Use holdout if scores on each fold are roughly the same.
- Procedure (
- Split train into \(K\) folds.
- Iterate though each fold:
- Refit the model on all folds except the current one.
- Validate the model on the current fold.
- Assumes that the samples are i.i.d.
- The performance measure reported by k-fold CV is the average of the values computed in the loop.
- Scores deviation in KFold can help to select statistically significant change in scores while tuning a model.
- The value of \(K\) being large could lead to low bias and high variance (overfitting).
- The advantage is that entire data is used for training and validation.
- For classification problems that exhibit a large imbalance (
- Stratified k-fold ensures that relative class frequencies are preserved in each train and validation fold.
- In this case we would like to know if a model generalizes well to the unseen groups (
- Group k-fold ensures that the same group is not represented in both testing and training sets.
- LOO is a k-fold scheme where \(K=N\) (
- LOO often results in high variance as an estimator for the test error.
- 5-10 fold cross validation should be preferred to LOO.
- Mostly used for sparse datasets.
Time-based validation
- Procedure (
- Split train into chunks of duration \(T\). Select first \(M\) chunks.
- Fit a model on these \(M\) chunks and predict for the chunk \(M+1\).
- Then repeat this procedure for the next chunk and so on (imagine a moving window).
- Used if the samples have been generated using a time-dependent process.
- Time series data is characterised by the correlation between observations (autocorrelation).
- Does not assume that the samples are i.i.d.
Meta models
Simple holdout scheme
- Procedure:
- Split train into three parts: trainA, trainB and trainC.
- Fit \(N\) diverse models on trainA.
- Predict for trainB, trainC, and test (getting meta-features trainB_meta, trainC_meta and test_meta).
- Fit a meta-model on trainB_meta and validate it on trainC_meta.
- When the meta-model is validated, fit it to [trainB_meta, trainC_meta] and predict for test_meta.
- This scheme is usually preferred over the other schemes if dataset is large.
- Fair validation scheme (validation set of meta-models not used in any way by base models)
Meta holdout scheme with OOF meta-features
- Procedure:
- Split train into \(K\) folds.
- Iterate though each fold:
- Refit \(N\) diverse models on all folds except the current one.
- Predict for the current fold.
- For each object in train, we now have \(N\) meta-features (out-of-fold predictions, OOF) (getting train_meta)
- Fit the models on train and predict for test (getting test_meta)
- Split train_meta into two parts: train_metaA and train_metaB.
- Fit a meta-model on train_metaA and validate it on train_metaB.
- When the meta-model is validated, fit it to train_meta and predict for test_meta.
Meta KFold scheme with OOF meta-features
- Procedure:
- Obtain OOF predictions for train_meta and test_meta.
- Use KFold scheme on train_meta to validate the meta-model (with same seed as for OOF).
- When the meta-model is validated, fit it to train_meta and predict for test_meta.
Holdout scheme with OOF meta-features
- Procedure:
- Split train into two parts: trainA and trainB.
- Fit models to trainA and predict for trainB (getting trainB_meta).
- Obtain OOF predictions for trainA_meta.
- Fit a meta-model to trainA_meta and validate on trainB_meta.
- Obtain OOF predictions for train_meta and test_meta.
- Fit the meta-model to train_meta and predict for test_meta.
- Fair validation scheme.
KFold scheme with OOF meta-features
- The same as holdout scheme with OOF meta-features but with \(K\) folds instead of trainA and trainB.
- This scheme gives the validation score with the least variance compared to the other schemes.
- But it is also the least efficient one from the computational perspective.
- Fair validation scheme.
KFold scheme in time series
- Procedure:
- Obtain OOF meta-features using time-series split starting with \(M\) chunks.
- Now we have meta-features for the chunks starting from \(M+1\) (getting train_meta).
- Fit the models on train and predict for test (getting test_meta).
- Perform time-series aware cross validation on meta-features.
- Fit the meta-model to train_meta and predict for test_meta.
KFold scheme in time series with limited amount of data
- The same as meta KFold scheme with OOF meta-features but with respect to time.
Last updated on 2019-9-7