Hyperparameter Optimization
- Hyperparameters are model-specific properties that are not learned (as parameters) but fixed.
- Hyperparameter tuning is a meta-optimization task.
- Quality of the hyperparameters is not deterministic, as it depends on the outcome of a black box (the model training process).
- We can't obtain the derivative and thus can't apply other mathematical optimization tools.
- Tuning the hyper-parameters of an estimator (sklearn)
- A list of open-source software
Best practices
- Select a subset of the most influential hyperparameters:
- There are tons of hyperparameters and there is no time to tune them all.
- Multiple comparisons problem: The more inferences are made, the more likely erroneous inferences are to occur, because of the sheer size of the parameter space to be searched.
- Understand exactly how they influence the training.
- Find out if the model is underfitting or overfitting.
- Use cross-validation to estimate the generalization performance.
- Don't spend too much time tuning hyperparameters.
- Only if you have no more ideas or you have spare computational resources.
- You cannot win competitions by tuning (but with features, hacks, leaks, and insights).
- It can take thousands of rounds for GBDT or neural networks to fit.
- Average everything:
- Over random seed
- Over small deviations from optimal parameters (e.g. average
=3,4,5 for an optimal 5)
Grid search
- Try every combination of a preset list of hyper-parameters and evaluate the model for each combination.
- The list of combinations is calculated as a Cartesian product of different hyperparameter sets.
- Manually set bounds and discretization may be necessary before applying grid search.\
- Manual grid search:
- Run a small grid, see if the optimum lies at either endpoint, and then expand the grid in that direction.
- Grid search is simple to set up and trivial to parallelize.
- It is the most expensive method in terms of total computation time.
- However, if run in parallel, it is fast in terms of wall clock time.
- Suffers from the curse of dimensionality.
Random search
- Random search only evaluates a random sample of points on the grid.
- This method is more efficient for parameter optimization than grid search.
- While grid search captures grid points only, random search is free to search the whole action space (without any aliasing).
Credit - It is empirically and theoretically shown, that if at least 5% of the points on the grid yield a close-to-optimal solution, then random search with 60 trials will find that region with 95% probability (and the close-to-optimal region in stable machine learning models is quite large).
- Compared to other methods it doesn't bog down in local optima.
- Random search allows the inclusion of prior knowledge by specifying the distribution from which to sample.
- While grid search captures grid points only, random search is free to search the whole action space (without any aliasing).
- Works best when:
- Only a small number of hyperparameters affects the final performance.
- There are less number of dimensions.
Smart search
- The goal is to converge faster and make fewer evaluations.
- This type of methods is rarely parallelizable.
- Makes sense only if the evaluation procedure takes much longer than the sampling process.
- Smart search algorithms contain hyperparameters of their own.
Bayesian optimization
- Bayesian Optimization uses all of the information from previous evaluations and determines the next point to try.
- Builds a probabilistic model of the function mapping from the hyperparameters to the objective.
- Bayesian optimization obtain better results in fewer evaluations compared to grid search and random search.
- Bayesian optimization is much better than manual tuning.
- It is well suited for functions that are expensive to evaluate.
- Computes the mean and the variance.
- Function evaluation is cubic on the number of inputs.
- Use a deterministic neural network with Bayesian linear regression on the last hidden layer.
- Bayesian linear regression is much faster than Spearmint.
- Using Gaussian processes: Spearmint
- Using Tree-based Parzen Estimators: Hyperopt
- SMAC (Sequential Model-based Algorithm Configuration) trains a random forest of regression trees to approximate the response surface.
- This method may work better than Gaussian processes for categorical hyperparameters.
- Random forest tuning: SMAC
Derivative-free optimization
- Try a bunch of random points, approximate the gradient, and find the most likely search direction.
- Derivative-free methods include genetic algorithms and the Nelder-Mead method.
- Easy to implement and no less efficient that Bayesian optimization.
- Hyper gradient: hypergrad